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Teleoperador/a Atención Al Cliente - Sistema Nacional de Empleo . com

Teleoperador/a Atención Al Cliente

(Bizkaia, España)

Who is Guardian Industries?
When you are looking at a city’s skyline or the grilles on the latest cars and trucks, chances are you’re seeing our products. Through Guardian Glass, a Guardian Industries company, we make high- performance, energy efficient glass for homes and buildings. SRG Global™, a Guardian Industries company, makes automotive trim products that define a vehicle’s DNA and help improve fuel efficiency.
And perhaps most of all, we make the ideas, formulas and processes that make these products possible. Guardian Industries is 18,000 people working to make products that improve people’s lives! T
Guardian Glass Services pertenece a la multinacional Guardian Industries, uno de los mayores productores de vidrio en el mundo. En nuestro negocio, nos dedicamos a la instalación de vidrio para hogar, comercios, industria, venta directa y retail.
Guardian Glass Services belongs to the multinational Guardian Industries, one of the largest glass producers in the world. In our business, we are dedicated to the installation of glass for home, retail, industry, direct sales and retail
Un dÃa tÃpico incluye:
Reportando al responsable de la Sección:
Atención telefónica a clientes, comunicación e información de trabajos.Resolución de consultas e incidencias.Asesoramiento básico del producto.Labores administrativas de cargas de trabajo, citas y otras funciones que garantizan el correcto seguimiento para la posterior gestión del trabajo.
Reporting to the head of the SectionCustomer telephone service, communication and information about the work we are doing or that we have already done.Resolution of queries and indicendias.
Basic product advice.Administrative work of workloads, appointments and other functions that maintain the correct monitoring for the subsequent management of the work.
FP, Diplomado o Graduado.Experiencia mínima demostrable de dos años en un puesto similar, call center o departamento de customer service.Alta orientación al cliente, empatía y compromiso. Acostumbrada a trabajar bajo presión.Ofimática: Dominio paquete Office.Persona proactiva, con iniciativa, resolutiva y dinámica.Gran capacidad para trabajar en equipo.Valorable idioma inglés
RequirementsFP, Diploma or Graduate.Demonstrable minimum experience of two years in a similar position, call center or customer service department.High customer orientation, empathy and commitment. I used to work under pressure.Office: Domain Office package.Proactive person, with initiative, decisive and dynamic.Great teamwork skills.Fluent in Spanish. English is a plus.
¿Qué requerimos?:
¿Qué ofrecemos?
Guardian promueve el desarrollo individual para que maximizar tu potencial. Ofrecemos una experiencia profesional única en una cultura basada en integridad, cumplimiento de normas y creación de valor. Si estás interesado en conocer más acerca de nuestra cultura, por favor visita nuestra página web:
What Do We Have To Offer?
Guardian companies are committed to offer a competitive compensation package and an opportunity for you to maximize your potential. We pride ourselves in promoting career opportunities in an open environment, which encourages individual development and gives you opportunities to expand your knowledge and work as part of a global team. We offer a unique professional experience in a culture based on integrity, compliance and value creation. If you are interested in finding out more about our culture, please visit us on our website:

Fecha de publicación: 10/03/2020

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